Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the national curriculum.  This is further enhanced through the delivery of a high quality text based curriculum which prioritises the essential skills of Reading.  We believe the reading skills that are acquired in childhood are the foundations on which future academic success is built.  Our curriculum is planned around a variety of carefully chosen texts which help children to develop culturally, socially and spiritually.

Other benefits include an increased breadth of vocabulary, pleasure in reading in later life, a better understanding of other cultures, better general knowledge and even a greater insight into human nature’  Reading for Pleasure: a research overview National Literacy Trust 2017’

We celebrate the uniqueness of everyone as children of God whilst embracing Christian values in our daily lives.  In our school we create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment where children can develop spiritual, academic, social and emotional growth.  We are part of the ULT family of caring and loving schools where children feel safe and valued and achieve their very best.

We strive for every child to be resilient adaptable, critical learners and to flourish in a rapidly changing world.  Through the curriculum we aim to prepare pupils for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of adult life.  It is our aim to lay a firm foundation for future learning, to have the requisite knowledge to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education and beyond.

‘If you can dream it you can achieve it’   Walt Disney


The school offers a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum and our aim is to provide a curriculum that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children.   We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences delivered in inspirational environments that stimulate and engage quality thinking and reasoning.  A carefully planned 2 year programme allows the curriculum to be dynamic, adapt to the context of the school  and meet children’s individual needs.  Well-structured long and medium term planning is responsive to children’s needs, builds on prior knowledge and incorporates holistic approaches to teaching and learning.  Teachers select appropriate topics and translate their implementation using their own individuality.   They take into account:

  • The prior knowledge of the children
  • Vocabulary enrichment
  • Life experiences
  • Individual needs
  • Useful and powerful knowledge

The implementation of the curriculum takes a variety forms.  This could be through whole class lessons, group work or individual tuition.

Our curriculum is enhanced through a wide variety of carefully planned:

  • Educational visits/visitors/experiences
  • A range of extra-curricular activities in the form of after school and lunchtime clubs
  • Regular attendance at Church and assemblies
  • Participating in events within the local community and beyond

Research shows parents play a crucial role in supporting their child’s learning and levels of parental engagement are consistently associated with children’s academic outcomes (Education Endowment Foundation).  We include parents wherever possible in supporting their children’s learning beyond the classroom and outside of the school.  Each half term parents receive a curriculum information booklet which outlines their child’s learning for that half term.  Children receive regular homework to embed key knowledge taught in school and reinforce positive learning behaviours.

‘Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success’  Henry Ford


Rigorous triangulated monitoring is used throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design. The impact of our curriculum is monitored by assessment procedures which allow us to measure outcomes against all schools nationally and locally.  We consistently achieve levels of attainment well above those achieved nationally in all key areas: EYFS; Year 1 Phonics; End of KS1 Statutory Assessment.

The impact of our curriculum is also measured by how effectively it helps our pupils develop into well rounded individuals who embody our Christian values and carry with them the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will make them valuable future citizens, well equipped to pursue their dreams.