Welcome to the Hedgehog’s Class homepage!

During Years 1 and 2, children’s learning continues in a practical and fun way tailored to the needs of the children. Children enjoy cross curricular learning that explores a range of topics, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Wind in the Willows and Shrek.

In Years 1 and 2 pupils move towards more word-specific knowledge of spelling. The children also develop their understanding of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation through a variety of texts.

In Maths pupils use and apply their learnt addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills to a range of problems and reasoning activities.

Mr Farnley
Class Teacher

Information For Parents

Phonics Screening

National Curriculum Test results at the end of KS1

Useful Links!

Spelling Lists

Year 1 Spellings List Year 2 Spellings List  



