We want our children to love History. In History, the National Curriculum is followed and used as a model to ensure effective progress through each key stage. Topics are carefully linked to the literacy text for each half term.
In this subject, the children’s historical knowledge will be increased by learning about the lives of individuals and events that are significant, both nationally and globally within the UK and the wider world. This is in chronological order from the earliest times to the present day where possible due to mixed age classes.
The children will develop an understanding of how these people and events have shaped the world today.
To enable children at Hutchinson First School to develop their skills and knowledge:
- Engaging lessons will be planned that interest and inspire the children to develop their thinking and decision making to help build their future learning.
- Children will be encouraged to ask and answer their own questions influencing what they want to find out about the topic being covered.
- Significant periods in history will be studied to give a sense of chronological order where possible.
- Children will be introduced to inspirational people and the impact they have had on historical events.
- A variety of relevant and inspirational resources will be used to learn about life in the past.
- Lessons will cater for and include all children allowing them to access the curriculum.
- In order to support children in their ability to know more and remember more, there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous topics as well as previous lessons.
- At the start of each topic, children will review previous learning and will have the opportunity to share what they already know about the current topic.
- We plan for the effective use of educational visits and visitors to enrich and enhance the children’s learning experience and the History Curriculum.
- A well-planned and sequenced curriculum that prepares the children for a smooth transition in line with the curriculum delivered at the Middle Schools the children move on to as they continue their education.
The impact of this curriculum design will lead to children being able to:
- Become enthusiastic historians with a love of History.
- Speak confidently about significant people and events in history.
- Ask relevant questions by being engaged in hands on learning.
- Use vocabulary, which relates to the past.