Nursery Class Admissions 2024 – 2025
We are pleased to offer flexible nursery places for children aged 3 and 4. Funding commences the term after the child’s third birthday.
Our main aim in Nursery is to ensure that the children enjoy their experience and get accustomed to the school routine. We have found that starting in Nursery and becoming familiar with the school routine, even for a few days a week, is highly beneficial for many of our new starters and results in children making a happy, seamless transition into Reception.
Our Nursery children share a classroom with the Reception children, and take part in worship, PE, lunchtime, snack time, singing and many other activities with the whole school. They flourish in this environment and settle into our school family extremely quickly! They also wear the school uniform and PE kit which we feel gives them a real sense of belonging.
Nursery Education Funding hours are available (15 hours) as well as 30 hour term time places. Additional sessions outside funding are charged at £6 per hour.
Check if you’re eligible for 30 hours free childcare