Hutchinson Memorial School was inspected by Ofsted on the 14th and 15th May 2024:

Following the two day inspection they reported the following:

Hutchinson Memorial is a school where everyone is welcome. Positive relationships
between staff and pupils, supported by the school’s values, underpin the school’s
work. Pupils value the ‘kindness that lives within the school’, which makes them feel
In lessons, pupils listen well and focus on their work most of the time. There is a
relaxed atmosphere around the school. Pupils enjoy being with their friends and
they are kind to each other. At breaktimes, pupils enjoy playing a range of games
organised by the sports coach.
The school has high expectations for pupils and wants every individual to reach their
full potential. It has started to take action to improve the quality of education that
pupils receive. However, plans are in the early stages of development and have been
impacted by turbulence in staffing.

They did also identify areas of improvement and following the appointment of a new, dynamic staff team, and a strong leadership structure, we are confident we have already addressed these areas. We look forward to sharing this work with Ofsted on their next visit.

You can access the full report here: