Welcome to Hutchinson Memorial Parent Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)
What is the PTFA?
The PTFA is a group of people including parents, teachers and friends of the school who help to organise fundraising events. It exists to provide closer links between home and school and is an excellent way to bring staff, parents/carers and friends together in support of our school.
PTFA members
All parents/carers of children at the school are automatically members of the PTFA and are warmly invited to participate and help in any way they can, even if they only have a small amount of time available.
Each year, during the AGM meeting, a committee is elected to run the PTFA. Our current PTFA committee members are:
Chair: Cheryl Mansell
Vice Chair:
What we do
Over the years the PTFA has raised thousands of pounds which has been spent on ‘extras’ that cannot be provided through the school’s budget. The PTFA generally help towards funding coach travel for school trips as well as purchasing new resources and equipment that all go towards enhancing our children’s learning experiences in school.
How we do it
We usually meet on the last Wednesday of every month for a couple of hours, and everyone is welcome to come along and get involved. Meetings are relaxed, we chat over a cup of tea or coffee and discuss upcoming events and ideas for fundraising. We monitor how much has been raised and agree how that money is to be spent. Everyone is made welcome- no matter what year your child’s is in- it is never too late to get involved, new faces and ideas are always welcome.
How do I contact the PTFA?
If you would like to get in touch with us you can –
Email: [email protected]
Send a message via our Facebook page:
Hutchinson Memorial 1st School PTFA
Or leave a message with Mrs Talbot in the school office.
Thank you